
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fish Center Live maps

These are three maps I made for the streming show Fish Center (Fishcenter?) Live. Fish Center Live is a live streaming fish game call-in talk show which allows fans to call in and win points (or lose points) for their favorite fish by playing games. At the end of each week a fish is crowned king of the tank and at the end of a season (typically 10 weeks) the fish with the most kingships in the season is declared the season's king. The Natural Habitats map spawned a video series on Fish Center Live in which each fish is featured with notes about the fish and where they're from.

After viewing the hosts struggle to interpret the static maps I created a KMZ (to be viewed in Google Earth) containing the habitats for every fish that has ever been on Fish Center. This interactive file allows makes for easier understanding of where the fish can be found.

Download Natural Habitats 2017

Download Natural Habitats 2015

Programs used: ArcMap 10.2.2 (2015 maps only), QGIS (2017 map only) Illustrator, Photoshop
Full Resolution for each: 11"x17"