
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wisconsin ETM+ Pan-Mosaics

The following map of Wisconsin was created by mosaicing several Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images together. The images are displayed in a 7 (short-wave infrared), 4 (near infrared), 2 (green) band combination and have been pan-sharpened with band 8 (panchromatic). Pan-sharpened means that the image has been re-sampled from its original 30m resolution to a 15m resolution (which doesn't show on the picture below due to size restrictions on pictures uploaded to blogger as well as exporting the map from ArcMAP). The images range in date taken from 1999 through 2003 which is when Landsat 7 ETM + developed a defect which made every image taken afterwards have striping which is actually a lack of data in parts of the image. A description of what the colors mean using this band combination can be found here.

Program used: IMAGINE, ArcMap 10.2, Illustrator, Photoshop
Full resolution: 18" x 24"

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Landsat 1 MSS Path 28 Row 29

This map displays the very first LANDSAT image taken for eastern Minnesota and west-central Wisconsin taken 8/12/1972. The image is displayed in a 6,5,4 band combination which creates a "false color" look to the area because the bands involved include near-infrared, red, and green. 

Green vegetation appears in shades of red with moist vegetation appearing more red than dry vegetation. Urban areas are cyan, and soils are shades of brown. Clouds in the image are white and water appears black because of the lack of infrared energy being reflected from the water.

Counties and state boundaries are overlaid on top of the image. Large cities and prominent highways and interstates are labeled as well as the states

Programs used in the map construction: ArcMAP 10.2, IMAGINE, and Adobe Illustrator
Full resolution: 16" x 16"